XDuc RELEASE 03/29/2020 – SERVICES –
good afternoon
Us contactem de forma excepcional per informar-vos que després de l’anunci i aclariments d’aquest migdia del Govern Espanyol sobre les restriccions exactes a les empreses, la situació en relació a XDuc queda de la següent forma :
- XDuc as a company continues to work in telework mode and our situation does not change, as we have been doing for the previous 20 calendar days attending to all customers.
- Specifically all those companies that have not yet done so to date and now have the need to do so, we are at your disposal to help you implement this technology. We have the safe and professional tools needed to facilitate the process and do not require our in-person assistance to install and configure them. On this point and more specifically:
- Those customers with whom we already have access to their equipment on a regular basis will only need to have the computers turned on to be able to configure the system.
- Those customers with whom we do not have access to their equipment on a regular basis will only require that someone can be physically on the premises for a short time to leave the work equipment on and that we can do a little pre-configuration.
- In both cases at a later date and at your request, by providing us with the necessary contact numbers, we would set up your workers’ equipment at their remote location.
- In both cases, the computers will need to be switched on permanently. The fact that they are switched on permanently will not harm the machinery in any case.
- All companies that use our services are guaranteed their continuity.
- Whatever IT needs you have, from configuration changes to current systems or new needs, we will be happy to help.
- To the extent possible and as long as stock is available domestically, we can make custom shipments of required equipment to any domestic destination, as long as courier systems remain operational. To date, with some adjustments, these shipments have been carried out in a standardized way.
Per qualsevol consulta seguim en contacte en els horaris habituals, amb el sistema de tiqueting habitual [email protected] i els nostre telèfon de contacte de sempre a la oficina, que no varia : 938054347.
Thank you very much, Health and Luck to all.
The XDuc Team